Category: News

Representing Fear and Resistance: Horror Film and Media in the Pandemic Age

Narratives of Fear, Scarcity, and Resistance: Eco-Anxieties and the End of the World in Contemporary Horror Film and Media

Lorna Piatti-Farnell of the Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, will be presenting a keynote titled “Narratives of Fear, Scarcity, and Resistance: Eco-Anxieties and the End of the World in Contemporary Horror Film and Media” at The 12th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2022), which will be held alongside The 12th Asian Conference on Asian

Earvin Charles Cabalquinto Joins the Panel for “Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration, Media”

Earvin Charles Cabalquinto Joins the Panel for “Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration, Media”

Earvin Charles Cabalquinto of Deakin University, Australia, has joined The 12th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2022) and The 12th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS2022) on the panel for “Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration, Media”. Laavanya Kathiravelu of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and Koen Leurs of Utrecht University, Netherlands, have also been chosen to discuss

Laavanya Kathiravelu and Koen Leurs Join the Panel for “Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration, Media”

Laavanya Kathiravelu and Koen Leurs Join the Panel for “Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration, Media”

Laavanya Kathiravelu of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and Koen Leurs of Utrecht University, Netherlands, have joined The 12th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2022) and The 12th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS2022) on the panel for “Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration, Media”. Additional panellists will be announced over the coming weeks. Follow the conference website

Pilar Kasat and Sēini F Taumoepeau Join the Panel for “Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Precarity and Resilience”

Pilar Kasat and Seini F Taumoepeau Join the Panel for “Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Precarity and Resilience”

Pilar Kasat of Curtin University, Australia, and Sēini F Taumoepeau, artist, performer, activist & radio presenter, have joined The 12th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2022) and The 12th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS2022) on the panel for “Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Precarity and Resilience”. Marcelle Townsend-Cross of the University of Sydney, Australia, and

Marcelle Townsend-Cross and Yirga Gelaw Woldeyes Join the Panel for “Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Precarity and Resilience”

Marcelle Townsend-Cross and Yirga Gelaw Woldeyes Join the Panel for “Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Precarity and Resilience”

Marcelle Townsend-Cross of the University of Sydney, Australia, and Yirga Gelaw Woldeyes of Curtin University, Australia, have joined The 12th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2022) and The 12th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS2022) on the panel for “Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Precarity and Resilience”. Additional panellists will be announced over the coming weeks.

Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Precarity and Resilience

Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Precarity and Resilience

“Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Precarity and Resilience” has been announced as the second panel to be presented at The 12th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2022) and The 12th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS2022). The ACCS/ACAS2022 Organising Committee is currently calling for papers to be presented at the event. Submit your abstracts by March

Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration, Media

Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration, Media

“Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration, Media” has been announced as the first panel to be presented at The 12th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2022) and The 12th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS2022). Panellists that have been chosen to discuss this topic will be announced over the coming weeks, follow the conference websites and social

Acclaimed Writer Arnold Zable to present "The Agony of Limbo and the Imprisonment of the Innocent"

Acclaimed Writer Arnold Zable to present “The Agony of Limbo and the Imprisonment of the Innocent”

The first plenary to be announced for The 12th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2022) and The 12th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS2022) is a keynote presentation titled “The Agony of Limbo and the Imprisonment of the Innocent: Tales from the Frontline, The Ongoing Saga of Australia’s ‘Pacific Solution’”, by Arnold Zable, acclaimed Australian

Keiko Bang Joins the ACAS/ACCS2022 Organising Committee

Keiko Bang Joins the ACCS/ACAS2022 Organising Committee

Keiko Bang, CEO of Bang Singapore Pte Ltd., has joined The 12th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2022) and The 12th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS2022) as a member of the organising committee. Organising Committees are composed of distinguished academics who are experts in their fields. The Organising Committees are responsible for nominating and

Five New Organising Committee Members Join ACCS/ACAS2022

Five New Organising Committee Members Join ACCS/ACAS2022

Five new Organising Committee members have joined The 12th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2022) and The 12th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS2022). Umberto Ansaldo, Curtin University, Australia Yasue Arimitsu, Doshisha University, Japan Darlene Machell Espena, Singapore Management University, Singapore Lorna Piatti-Farnell, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand Gerard Goggin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore