Tag: Refugees

Earvin Charles Cabalquinto Joins the Panel for “Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration, Media”
Earvin Charles Cabalquinto of Deakin University, Australia, has joined The 12th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2022) and The 12th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS2022) on the panel for “Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration, Media”. Laavanya Kathiravelu of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and Koen Leurs of Utrecht University, Netherlands, have also been chosen to discuss …

Laavanya Kathiravelu and Koen Leurs Join the Panel for “Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration, Media”
Laavanya Kathiravelu of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and Koen Leurs of Utrecht University, Netherlands, have joined The 12th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2022) and The 12th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS2022) on the panel for “Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration, Media”. Additional panellists will be announced over the coming weeks. Follow the conference website …

Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration, Media
“Digital Journeys: Refugees, Migration, Media” has been announced as the first panel to be presented at The 12th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2022) and The 12th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS2022). Panellists that have been chosen to discuss this topic will be announced over the coming weeks, follow the conference websites and social …