Examining Job Satisfaction and Well-Being of Foreign-Born Female Faculty (FBFF) in the United States (81023)
Session Chair: Arsya Amarlaily Arbiyanti
Saturday, 25 May 2024 15:40
Session: Session 4
Room: Room 604
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Institutions of higher education in the United States are internationally well-known for their outstanding research and inclusive learning and working environments. By the year of 2021, over 120,000 scholars were identified as foreign-born faculty (FBF) in colleges and universities in the United States. Compared with native-born faculty, FBF have to face a lot of hardships including pedagogic differences, language barriers, and cultural prejudice and discrimination. Foreign-born female faculty (FBFF), however, encounter even more unique challenges than their foreign-born male colleagues such as racial and gender stereotypes. The current study aims to examine factors that would affect job satisfaction and well-being of FBFF. Those factors include perceived discrimination, English language proficiency, institutional support, family support, life-work balance, friendship formation with Americans, dress style, body image, and intercultural communication competence. We also investigate how some demographic variables might affect FBFF’s job satisfaction such as country of origin, discipline of teaching and research, and immigration status. Data were collected from FBFF who teach in colleges and universities in a southwest state of the United States from April to October of 2023. A total of 220 FBFF originally from 52 different countries throughout the world participated in the study. We are now at the stage of data analysis, which we anticipate to complete by the end of April of 2024.
Anya Lu, Sam Houston State University, United States
Shuangyue Zhang, Sam Houston State University, United States
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Anya Lu is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Sam Houston State University in United States
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