Cultural Politics and Arts Policy: The Case of Hong Kong’s Cantonese Opera (80907)
Session Chair: Victor Shin
Sunday, 26 May 2024 15:40
Session: Session 4
Room: Room 603
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
This article reviews the arts policy implemented by the Hong Kong colonial government and the S.A.R. government before and after Hong Kong’s retrocession to the People’s Republic of China in 1997. It focuses on the government policies for Cantonese opera – a significant intangible cultural heritage (ICH) of the city. These policies have been revamped over the past two-and-a-half decades, with several earmarked subsidy schemes implemented to revive Cantonese opera in training, performance, and promotion. The paper offers a critical account of government’s actions in the cultural field and examines their impact on the rejuvenation of Cantonese opera with reference to the practitioners’ feedback on the art policies. The analysis draws on a theoretical framework that articulates the tensions between cultural politics and the art-versus-commerce dynamics, both of which are crucial to the effectiveness of arts policies for ICH.
Victor Shin, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Victor Shin is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Lingnan University in Hong Kong
See this presentation on the full schedule – Sunday Schedule
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