A Case Study on Duolingo Application in Vocabulary Learning Strategies Among EFL Students (80623)

Session Information: Teaching and Learning
Session Chair: Tetyana Smotrova

Saturday, 25 May 2024 17:10
Session: Session 5
Room: Room 703
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

Vocabulary is an essential part of language proficiency because it provides the framework for how well students are able to speak, listen, read, and write. Nowadays, language learners do not just rely on classroom instruction; they can learn independently due to the variety of applications. Thus, a language-learning application called Duolingo offers a variety of English-learning activities for students. Therefore, this study is conducted to investigate how Duolingo assisted students in strengthening their English learning, students’ vocabulary learning strategies, and users’ experiences with the Duolingo application in East Borneo, Indonesia. The data were collected using a selective sampling technique through in-depth interviews with 15 EFL students. The data were analyzed by using thematic content analysis to identify the patterns of themes in an interview. The findings show that Duolingo had a beneficial effect on students’ learning; increasing student enthusiasm, enhancing English abilities, and learners generally found the activity valuable and entertaining. Drawbacks for learners include a lack of reading and speaking content, as well as advertisements. Students who practice autonomous online learning are more likely to use a variety of online resources to encourage and accelerate vocabulary development. Students' strategies for learning from the application included taking notes, practicing, and accessing supplementary applications. The results show that employing the Duolingo application had benefits as well as drawbacks, which may lead students to develop their own strategies for extending their vocabulary. These insights have implications for English learning-systems in terms of developing strategies to support and increase vocabulary learning strategies.

Safhira Auralia Rahman, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

About the Presenter(s)
Ms Safhira Auralia Rahman is a University Postgraduate Student at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in Indonesia

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00