A Living Gallery: Audiovisual Construction in a Cultural Co-creation Project Within a Public Space (80457)

Session Information: Spatial and Public Arts
Session Chair: Ana Clara Roberti

Saturday, 25 May 2024 10:20
Session: Session 1
Room: Room 704
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

In 2023, an environmental NGO, a research centre, and two municipalities came together to build the project "Minante: Prototyping a natural and cultural experience for public space co-creation" together with the local community in a semi-rural region in northern Portugal. Based on the New European Bauhaus principles, the project aimed to experiment with new ways of contemplating and enjoying the public space in the Minante area on the Neiva River, namely along the existing trails and public paths found on both banks. Although this area has great significance for the local population – both because of its past of intense industrial activity and because of the socializing and natural scenery they once experienced there – the site was currently almost abandoned, and there was a great desire for this community and the partners involved to bring visibility and new experiences to think about the present and future of Minante. Throughout the project's development, a visual and sound recording was carried out in order to capture and accompany the team's intense fieldwork and the actions of the actors involved in the events, artistic performances, workshops, and installations that brought new life to the area. This communication focuses on this process and its results: the production of a documentary film and a photographic exhibition shown at Minante itself. To this end, the challenges, decisions on approach and style, the construction of a narrative logic, and the strategies for the final editing of these pieces will be presented.

Ana Clara Roberti, University of Porto, Portugal

About the Presenter(s)
Ana Clara Roberti, PhD, is a researcher in ethnographic documentary and cultural studies. Clara is a documentary director and works on artistic participatory projects on socioeconomically vulnerable spaces, cultural heritage, and the environment.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00