Understanding the Notion of Punjabiyat Through Qisse: An Alternative Approach to the Rising Cultural Nationalism (79941)

Session Information: Ethnicity and Identity
Session Chair: Yuki Yokohama

Monday, 27 May 2024 13:45
Session: Session 3
Room: Room D (Live-Stream)
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

Punjabiyat as a term has been defined as a sentiment/notion of belonging or attachment to Punjab or the foundations of a shared, cross-religious, cross-caste and cross class culture. The modern times have witnessed consolidation of identity in mutually exclusive terms and homogenization of history. For example, identity based on religious affiliation is constructed in alignment with the dominant group of the region and history of that particular region is associated with the religion of that dominant group. Punjab in India, witnesses this case of an emergence of a regional nationalism which draws its identity from an individual (Sikh) religion. The official Sikh historiography completely undermines the role that Hinduism and Sufism play in shaping Sikh beliefs and practices and instead establishes that Sikhs were delivered from the bondage of these un-Sikh beliefs by the intervention of the late nineteenth century Singh Sabha Movement. This paper tries to study Qissa Heer Ranjha and Sassi Punnu and analyze these two texts on the parameters of Punjabiyat reflected in them. Through the analysis of these texts, the paper tries to counter the concept of Cultural/Sub Nationalism which constructs the identity of a region in relation to an individual religion with the notion of Punjabiyat which is an all-inclusive Punjabi Identity and offers an alternative reading against the existing framework of presenting a discourse that is framed around lamenting the fragments of diversity.

Divyanshi Bhardwaj, Banaras Hindu University, India

About the Presenter(s)
Ms Divyanshi Bhardwaj is a University Doctoral Student at Banaras Hindu University in India

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00