Study of the Variation of Words in Thai Language: LINE Stickers (78763)

Session Information: Language, Linguistics
Session Chair: Simona Fraštíková

Saturday, 25 May 2024 10:20
Session: Session 1
Room: Room 608
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

The study of the variation of words in Thai language LINE stickers aims to present the results of a study of the variation of words in Thai language on various sets of LINE stickers. The data were purposively selected from 132 sets of LINE stickers with Thai words that are used to call people and made available in May 2023. There are a total of 4,724 stickers. The study found that of all the stickers with Thai words used to call people, there are 8 types of variation: phrases showing feelings, words for calling relatives, words for calling people by animal names, shapes and features, transliterated words, dialects, occupations, and age. The variation type most frequently found was phrases expressing feelings on 940 stickers or 20.00 percent, words for calling relatives on 472 stickers, or 10.00 percent, and followed by transliterated words on 296 stickers, or 6.26 percent. Regarding linguistic variation, six types were found: variations of initial consonant phonemes, variations of final consonant phonemes, variations of vowel phonemes, variations of tonal phonemes, variations with the addition of consonants, and variations with the deletion of syllables.
However, the format for changing words in the Thai language LINE stickers has changed according to the times. Moreover, the choice of words for calling or addressing people had to be consistent with the person, occasion, and social status of the communicators as well. The study suggests that the variation of words in Thai language LINE stickers reflects the creativity and diversity of the Thai language and culture, as well as the influence of globalization and technology on language use and communication.

Malisa Yotpradit, Hatyai University, Thailand

About the Presenter(s)
Ms Malisa Yotpradit is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at HATYAI UNIVERSITY in Thailand

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00