The Invention and Expansion of Cultural Planning in Korea Since the 1990s (78700)
Session Chair: Yunjoo Sung
Saturday, 25 May 2024 13:45
Session: Session 3
Room: Room 707
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Cultural planning is a term frequently used in the context of civic or regional development such as the European Capital of Culture project. This term, however, was first adopted in Korean society in 1989 by a cultural mediator Junehyuk Kang who claimed to open the era of cultural planning. Since then, the concept of cultural planning has expanded its boundary from civic or space-based projects, performances, and festivals to private-public partnership projects mainly executed in public cultural foundations. This article asks how cultural planning and the people who do this have emerged as the main actors in the Korean art scene. Cultural mediators, so-called cultural planners in Korea, not only plan events and programs but also set and manage cultural policy nowadays, which makes some cultural mediators become men of power. The main research data is qualitative interviews done with several cultural mediators who have grasped the art scene since the 1990s. By analyzing their talent, capacity, network, education, and vision for art and society, this article will answer how cultural planning has become a crucial mediating term in Korean society.
Yunjoo Sung, Korea National Open University, South Korea
About the Presenter(s)
Professor Yunjoo Sung is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Korea National Open University in South Korea
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