Efforts to Improve Learners’ Creativity Through the Art Practice of Making Batik Jumputan at Elementary School (78501)

Session Information: Media Arts Practices
Session Chair: Andini Nur Bahri

Sunday, 26 May 2024 11:50
Session: Session 2
Room: Room 701
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

Basically, batik has become one of the characteristics of Indonesia. Batik is a picture or cultural expression that has symbolic meaning and high beauty value. With a very complicated manufacturing technique, batik deserves to be highly valued. The understanding of batik, especially for elementary school students, is lacking and needs special attention. There is a need for deeper knowledge and practice regarding batik making. In Indonesia, there are many types of batik according to the manufacturing technique, one of which is Batik Jumputan. Batik Jumputan is batik that is done by ikat dipping, tied with a rope and dyed with colours. This batik does not use malam but the fabric is tied or sewn and crimped using ropes. This article aims to discuss art practice in improving the creativity of elementary school students through making Jumputan Batik. The selection of this batik model is based on efficiency and ease in the learning process. The research method used is descriptive qualitative which aims to describe the activities of primary school learners in developing their creativity related to the technique of making Batik Jumputan. This activity was carried out on grade 5 elementary school students. The practice of making Batik Jumputan has a positive impact on students because in addition to the results of the batik making process which is very interesting, students will also be encouraged to create ideas and creativity in creating various kinds of jumputan batik motifs.
Keywords: Batik Jumputan, Batik Making Practice, Creativity, Elementary School

Yawma Wulida, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Sapriya, Unversitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

About the Presenter(s)
My name is Yawma Wulida. I am currently in Bandung to continue my master's studies at the Indonesian Education of University. I am interested in research related to elementary education and am currently conducting some research related to this topic.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00