Pedagogical Practices, Curriculum Design and Implementation in Rwanda a Case of Advanced General Nursing Diploma Program at Kibogora Polytechnic School, Rwanda (76787)
Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
In the field of modern curriculum development and implementation, the use of effective pedagogical methods plays a crucial role in promoting positive teaching and learning outcomes. This study engages in an investigation of pedagogical practices and associated factors influencing curriculum design and implementation in the context of the Advanced General Nursing Diploma Program at Kibogora Polytechnic School, Rwanda. To conduct this research, a comprehensive approach combining both quantitative and qualitative research methods was used. The research included analyzing documents, distributing questionnaires, group discussions, and conducting data collection interviews to ensure a diverse understanding of compliance at different levels. Five faculty members, 38 clinical supervisors, and 60 students participated in the study. The research findings highlighted the fact that the General Nursing Diploma curriculum was implemented with a strong focus on a variety of disciplines, with the overall goal of producing competent and confident healthcare professionals who are able to work seamlessly in interdisciplinary teams. In addition, the study found that curriculum developers and educators carefully adhered to key curriculum principles in both the design and implementation phases. In particular, student-centered approaches were predominant in the teaching and learning processes. In addition, practical training and strategic approaches were instrumental in providing students with important clinical skills and competencies.
Tuyishimire Olivier, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda
About the Presenter(s)
Mr. Olivier is currently a University Librarian at Mount Kigali University (formerly Mount Kenya University Rwanda) and was previously an assistant Chief Librarian at Mount Kenya University, Kigali campus.
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